From the Desk of Ron Taylor aka LANWANMAN (Lan Wan Man)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Beyond the vCard There is BusinessCard2!

Image representing BusinessCard2 as depicted i...Image via CrunchBase
From napkins to paper business cards, to Rolodex files and on to electronic business cards; all for the sake of exchanging information such as names, phone numbers and addresses. Lest we forget, we should mention the mid to late 1990s innovation called the vCard. The vCard was and still is a standardized file format for electronic business cards.

Now comes "BusinessCard2!" with a new innovation—That's them, explanation point and all. These days everything is about your "presence," whether it is Web presence, Twitter presence or some other kind of online presence. Here is an excerpt from the BusinessCard2 Website:

"Take control of your online professional identity. Assemble and manage your online presence into one centralized, portable package. Control how customers see you on search engines and websites."

There it is again, "your online presence. . . ." Although not something new, presence marketing in social media has recently been gaining popularity among the so-called marketing gurus. However, what has been lacking is a means for individuals and businesses alike to manage what is typically a collection of independently spectacular places to visit that are spread haphazardly throughout the outermost regions of the Internet.

Before a stable process can be determined, we might look at what assets and other resources might be available to aid in an economical, centralized marketing campaign. Large firms might opt for costly online services. But what about the rest of us?

The answer is BusinessCard2! They offer a Flash based solution that displays your electronic business card on a web page hosted at Your electronic business card and hosting are both FREE.

Your online Flash intro [presentation] on is packed with features, including but not limited to: Contact Info, Let's Do Business, Website, Experience, Special Offers, Social Sites, Files, Social Links, External Links, Podcasts and the most recently added feature, a Billboard. In addition, readers can easily send you a message and embed, send or share your business card.

Visit the website and browse the alphabetized directory. View contact information, send messages and a lot more. Login to your BusinessCard2 account to add business cards to your account as contacts. Can't find who you are looking for in the directory? Just use the convenient search feature to search for their first or last name.

Online statistics are available for daily and monthly performance. For each section of your card, the number of views per month are presented in a tabular format accompanied by a colorful pie chart clearly showing the distribution. Daily activity is shown in a bar chart. BusinessCard2 frequently adds new features and tools. BusinessCard2's community pages and features will be coming soon.

Here it is again, "your online presence. . . ." Now, like they say at BusinessCard2, "Pass it along." Promote your BusinessCard2 presence, and see your electronic business card listed on the first page results for Google Search: BusinessCard2.

Let's Do Business - Create your own FREE BusinesCard2!

Takeaway - Tips for a Better Web Presence:

Focus on the quality and the content of your website. Readers are searching for original blog or social media content that is updated regularly.

Build a dedicated audience. It is important for any web site or blog site to build a strong daily following of visitors that can attract advertisers.

Invest in your site's technology. Sites that have a dedicated domain name and are hosted on their own are likely to receive a steady flow of new visitors; however, sites hosted as sub-domains on a network site like and others might not achieve the same degree of visitor loyalty.

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